Aug 2, 2009

Yet another untold short story

Stephanie stared at her reflection once more and adjusted the hem of her soft silk green dress. "This would be the night." she thought. She nervously dabbed a tint of pink on her cheeks as she had no experience of putting make-up on ordinary days. She ran her fingers in her short unruly hair and tried so much to put every strand into perfection. And tonight, she effortlessly hooked a necklace in place- the one she always have locked away in her cabinet.

She stared at her reflection. She was quite contented with how she looked. "Tonight..." she mumbled to herself.

She adjusted the hem of her soft silk green dress as she waited patiently for him at the coffee shop. She glanced at her watch: 8:42 p.m. She had been waiting for 40 minutes and still there was no sign of him. She went up and managed to order a frappucino in the counter and forced a smile at the barista who handed her the frap. She went back at her table and thought... " Tonight... I am still his friend."

Earlier that day, she received a text message from his bestfriend. "Hey, we broke up. Are you free tonight? I can use some company. Meet you at 8pm in our table." She had planned a different night though, lined up 27 dresses, My Bestfriend's Wedding and P.S I love you and stacked up microwavable popcorn for her usual Saturday DVD night. But everytime her bestfriend needs her, she always as expected postpones her DVD nights and delays her deadlines.

She had not heard from him in a while. As she waited for him, she calculated that it has been 13 months since they last shared the "table". The last time she remembered, he was pouring his stories over some girl he had met in the office. He was ecstatic on the simplicity of that girl, and on how he love the idea that this girl might be his soulmate. He was happy while she was bleeding inside. For 10 years or so, Stephanie managed to be his bestfriend.

9:09 p.m. She received a text message from him: "Sorry, I could not make it. I am with Liz. You're right. She is worth fighting for. Thanks best!"

This is not what she expected. "Tonight, she thought... I thought I can be his someone.Not just anyone.."

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