Apr 16, 2007

In nothingness

The laughter we chuckled in plainness and ignorance
Conversations of nothingness and depth unoccupied me with you
And when I looked up to You
I cried a tear or two
These blosommed flowers; scented with mine and looked trampled
Can I hide a flower in my hand
Then throw it into the abyss tied in my rope
Could I? And yet I already did
I hid one in my heart and held on eternally
For the flowers bloomed not in scents-- in colors
That temptingly amazed me in mine
Watered and nourished that withered my soul in time
My soul with yours-clutched in graceful bopws
My heart and yours, I pleaded not to be disjpined
'Til I stared at myself amd saw everything in nothing
Then I felt nothing in everything
The tears in blank thoughts as I sobbed all thatwas filled of You
O tell me, have I wasted and emptied my everything in mine
As I shiver in this cold spine
Never moving in a distance, only at Your strides.

21 February 2007

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